Captain Edward John "E.J." Smith | Bernard Hill | He is last shown standing in the wheelhouse on the bridge. "The windows burst suddenly and a wall of water edged with shards of glass slams into Smith. He disappears in a vortex of foam." | Died. His body was never recovered. |
J. Bruce Ismay | Jonathan Hyde | In the movie, Ismay is shown sitting in Collapsible Lifeboat C. However, in the screenplay, he is shown on board the Carpathia. | Survived. |
Thomas Andrews, Jr. | Victor Garber | Andrews is last seen at the fireplace of the First Class Smoking Room, adjusting the time on the clock. | Died. His body was never recovered. |
First Officer William McMaster Murdoch | Ewan Stewart | Kills himself after shooting Tommy Ryan and another man. | Died. His body was never recovered. For more information, see "Did First Officer Murdoch really shoot himself?" |
Fifth Officer Harold Godfrey Lowe | Ioan Gruffudd | Lowe is in command of Lifeboat #14, the boat that picks up Rose from the water. He is also the first to signal the Carpathia, using a green flare. | Survived. |
Second Officer Charles Herbert Lightoller | Jonathan Phillips | Lightoller is last seen clinging to the overturned hull of Collapsible Lifeboat B. | Survived. |
Officer Henry Tingle Wilde
(Chief Officer Wilde is the man who blows the whistle while clinging to some wreckage and shouts, "Return the boats!") |
Mark Lindsay Chapman | He dies of hypothermia in the water.
Died. His body was never recovered. For more information, see "Did First Officer Murdoch really shoot himself?" |
Quartermaster George Thomas Rowe | Richard Graham | Unknown. He is last seen helping Fourth Officer Boxhall fire the distress rockets. | Survived. He was put in charge of Collapsible Lifeboat C by Captain Smith. He testified before the American inquiry, then went back into the merchant service. He served aboard the hospital ship Plassey during World War I. Afterwards, he went to work at the Thorneycroft ship yard in Southampton. He finally retired while in his 80s, and died at the age of 91 in 1974. |
Quartermaster Robert Hichens | Paul Brightwell | He is last seen sitting at the tiller of Lifeboat #6, threatening Molly Brown: "If you don't shut that hole in yer face, there'll be one less in this boat!" | Survived. |
Master at Arms W. Bailey | Ron Donachie | Unknown. He had just handcuffed Jack to a water pipe when a crewman came into his office, saying that he is needed by the purser. | Survived. He took command of Lifeboat #16. |
Bandmaster Wallace Henry Hartley | Jonathan Evans-Jones | Dies. He is last seen playing "Nearer My God to Thee" with his band. His final words as the water rushes up the deck: "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight." | Died. His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett (No. 224), and was buried in Colne, Lancashire, England. |
Fourth Officer Joseph Groves Boxhall | Simon Crane | Unknown. He is last seen firing distress rockets with the help of Quartermaster Rowe. | Survived. He was a technical consultant for the making of the 1958 film, A Night to Remember. (Hap tip to Ashley of Texas for the information.) |
Sixth Officer James Paul Moody | Edward Fletcher | Unknown. Moody is the officer who picks up the phone when Fleet calls the bridge to warn of the iceberg. He is last told by Murdoch to "Note the time. Enter it in the log." | Died. His body was never recovered. Lightoller last saw him trying to cut loose Collapsible Lifeboat A on the starboard side. In looking over the question of whether an officer committed suicide with a gun, Lord considered Moody as one of the three possible officers who might have done such a deed. However, Lord did not believe that Moody committed suicide. (NLO, p. 104) For more information, see "Did First Officer Murdoch really shoot himself?" |
Lookout Frederick Fleet | Scott G. Anderson | Unknown. He is last seen in the crow's nest, being upbraided by Lee: "Smell ice, can you? Bleedin' Christ!" | Survived. |
Lookout Reginald Robinson Lee | Martin East | Unknown. See above (Lookout Frederick Fleet). | Survived. He was on board Lifeboat #13 (according to the Encyclopedia Titanica This is not confirmed by Colonel Gracie's listings.) At the British inquiry, Lee tried to claim that there was a haze over the water at the time of the impact. Fleet, Lightoller, Boxhall and Hichens all denied the existence of a haze, and the matter was written off as "wishful thinking" (Lord, NLO, p. 60) |
Second Marconi Operator Harold Sydney Bride | Craig Kelly | Unknown. He is last seen delivering the message to Captain Smith that the Carpathia will take four hours to arrive at the Titanic's position. | Survived. |
First Marconi Operator John George "Jack" Phillips | Gregory Cooke | Unknown. He is last seen being told by Captain Smith to send out the distress call on the wireless radio. His reaction: "Blimey." | Died. His body was never recovered. |
Chief Baker Charles Joughin | Liam Tuohy | He is last seen standing on the end of the stern as the ship completely sinks beneath the water. | Survived. |
Chief Engineer Joseph Bell | Terry Forrestal | He is last seen helping to shut off the electrical breakers in the engine room. | Died. His body was never recovered. Bell and several other crewmen remained in Boiler Rooms
#2 and #3 to keep the steam pressure up. This provided electricity
for the lights and the water pumps (Ballard, p. 36). According
to Roy Mengot,
"On a sad note, if the theory above is right [that
the Titanic broke apart bottom up instead of top down as Cameron
depicts in the film], then for the engineers in the
lower engine spaces, the end was more violent than we can imagine. The
steel structures around them came crashing down around them as
the sea blasted in." |
Leading Stoker Frederick Barrett | Derek Lea | He is last seen cutting the ropes that are lowering Lifeboat #13 into the water as another boat (#15) comes down on top of them. | Survived. He did indeed cut the "falls" in time before Lifeboat #15 crushed the occupants of #13. He took command of the lifeboat but relinquished it during the night as he was freezing from the cold air. Upon arrival in New York, he was hired as a fireman on the Olympic, another White Star Line ship. Interviewed by the US Senate inquiry on the final day of questioning, May 25, 1912. He described the burst of water gushing into the number 6 boiler room (which is accurately portrayed in the movie). Also interviewed by the British inquiry (for more information, see the attached link). |
Carpenter/Joiner John H. Hutchinson | Richard Ashton | Unknown. He is last seen with Captain Smith and Thomas Andrews going down the stairs from the bridge to the forward well deck. | Hutchinson died with the ship, but exactly how and when is not known. Stewardess Annie Robinson last saw Hutchinson on F Deck. "Carpenter Hutchinson arrived with a lead line in his hand--he looked bewildered, distracted, wildly upset." (Lord, NTR, p. 48) His body was never recovered. |
Steward Barnes | Oliver Page | Unknown. He is last seen telling Cal and Rose to put on their lifebelts. | Fictional character. There were two firemen (Charles and William) and an assistant baker (Frederick) with the last name of Barnes, but no stewards of that name. |
Jack Dawson | Leonardo DiCaprio | Dies from hypothermia after saving Rose. | Fictional character. However, there was a member of the engineering crew named Joseph Dawson. Dawson's body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett (No. 227), and was buried at Fairview Lawn Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on Wednesday, 8 May 1912. |
Rose DeWitt Bukater Calvert | Kate Winslet/ Gloria Stuart |
Rose, of course, as the narrator of the movie, survives. In scene 21, Bodine gives us the essentials of Rose's post-Titanic life: "I traced her as far back as the 20's... she was working as an actress in L.A. An actress. Her name was Rose Dawson. Then she married a guy named Calvert, moved to Cedar Rapids, had two kids. Now Calvert's dead, and from what I've heard Cedar Rapids is dead." This information is reinforced in the next to last scene (#309): "A GRACEFUL PAN across Rose's shelf of carefully arranged pictures: Rose as a young actress in California, radiant... a theatrically lit studio publicity shot... Rose and her husband, with their two children... Rose with her son at his college graduation... Rose with her children and grandchildren at her 70th birthday. A collage of images of a life lived well. THE PAN STOPS on an image filling frame. Rose, circa 1920. She is at the beach, sitting on a horse at the surfline. The Santa Monica pier, with its rollercoaster is behind her. She is grinning, full of life. We PAN OFF the last picture to Rose herself, warm in her bunk. A profile shot. She is very still. She could be sleeping, or maybe something else." This leads to the final scene in the movie, where Jack and Rose are reunited on board the Titanic at the Grand Staircase. | Fictional character. |
Caledon "Cal" Hockley | Billy Zane | Scene 300 was filmed somewhat differently from the older version of the script. In the movie, Rose sees Cal looking for her among the steerage survivors on board the Carpathia. He walks past without finding her. In the older version of the screenplay, Cal does find Rose and there is a final confrontation. Rose tells him never to seek her out again. She also tells him to say, if her mother ever asks, that Rose died with the Titanic. In a Voice Over, the old Rose says, "That was the last time I ever saw him. He married, of course, and inherited his millions. The crash of '28 hit his interests hard, and he put a pistol in his mouth that year. His children fought over the scraps of his estate like hyenas, or so I read." | Fictional character. |
Margaret "Molly" Brown | Kathy Bates | See above (Quartermaster Robert Hichens). | Survived. |
Ruth DeWitt Bukater | Frances Fisher | Ruth enters Lifeboat #6, along with Molly Brown. She last appears in scene 296, "hugging herself, rocking gently." | Fictional character. |
Fabrizio De Rossi | Danny Nucci | Fabrizio dies two different ways. In the movie, he is crushed by the falling first funnel. In the older version of the screenplay (scene 284), he is seen swimming toward Collapsible Boat A. "The boat is overloaded and half-flooded. Men cling to the sides in the water. Others, swimming, are drawn to it as their only hope. Cal, standing in the boat, slaps his oar in the water as a warning. CAL: "Stay back! Keep off!" Fabrizio, exhausted and near the limit, makes it almost to the boat. Cal CLUBS HIM with the oar, cutting open his scalp. FABRIZIO: "You don't... understand... I have... to get... to America." CAL (pointing with the oar): "It's that way!" CLOSE ON FABRIZIO as he floats, panting each breath agony. You see the spirit leave him. FABRIZIO'S POV: Cal in SLOW MOTION, yelling and wielding the oar. A demon in a tuxedo. The image fades to black." | Fictional character. |
Spicer Lovejoy | David Warner | He appears in scene 272, as the ship breaks apart: "LOVEJOY is clutching the railing on the roof of the Officers' Mess. He watches in horror as the ship's structure RIPS APART right in front of him. He gapes down into a widening maw, seeing straight down into the bowels of the ship, amid a BOOMING CONCUSSION like the sound of artillery. People falling into the widening crevasse look like dolls. The stay cables on the funnel part and snap across the decks like whips, ripping off davits and ventilators. A man is hit by a whipping cable and snatched OUT OF FRAME. Another cable smashes the rail next to Lovejoy and it rips free. He falls backward into the pit of jagged metal." | Fictional character. |
Tommy Ryan | Jason Barry | Is shot by First Officer Murdoch. | Fictional character. There was a Patrick Ryan on board the Titanic who may have been the inspiration for Tommy Ryan's character. |
Col. John Jacob Astor IV | Eric Braeden | His final appearance is in scene 253 at the Grand Staircase: "Water roars through the doors and windows, cascading down the stairs like a rapids. John Jacob Astor is swept down the marble steps to A-Deck, which is already flooded... a roiling vortex. He grabs the headless cherub at the bottom of the staircase and wraps his arms around it. Astor looks up in time to see the 30 foot glass dome overhead EXPLODE INWARD with the wave of water washing over it. A Niagara of sea water thunders down into the room, blasting through the first class opulence. IT is the Armageddon of elegance." | Died. His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett (No. 124), and was buried at Trinity Cemetery, New York City. |
Madeleine Talmage Astor | Charlotte Chatton | Unknown. She last appears in the dinner scene in which Jack attends. | Survived. |
Archibald Gracie
(Colonel Gracie is the man who suggests a reward be given to Jack after he saves Rose's life.) |
Bernard Fox | In scene 243, "ON THE PORT SIDE Collapsible B is picked up by water. Working frantically, the men try to detach it from the falls so the ship won't drag it under. Colonel Gracie hands Lightoller a pocket knife and he saws furiously at the ropes as the water swirls around his legs. The boat, still upside down, is swept off the ship. Men start diving in, swimming to stay with it." | Survived. (Cameron had Fox play Gracie somewhat like a buffoon, but Titanic historians owe a great deal to Gracie for his research and writing on the sinking of Titanic. Because of him, we know the names of the vast majority of people who sat in the various lifeboats.) |
Benjamin Guggenheim | Michael Ensign | In scene 210, Benjamin Guggenheim and his valet, Victor Giglio, appear in the foyer, dressed in white tie, tail-coats and top hats. "We have dressed in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen." Later, he is shown sitting in a chair as the water rushes up to him, his eyes wide with terror. | Died. Neither his body nor his valet's body, Giglio, were ever recovered. Scene 210, mentioned at left, is fairly accurate. (Whether he really asked for a brandy after his "[we] are prepared to go down like gentlemen" statement is not confirmed by any source I've read.) He did leave a message for his wife, though: "If anything should happen to me, tell my wife that I've done my best in doing my duty." (Lord, NTR, p. 78) |
Leontine Pauline Aubart
(Benjamin Guggenheim's mistress.) |
Fannie Brett | Unknown. She is last seen in the dinner scene in which Jack attends. | Survived. She went into Lifeboat #9. According to "People Weekly" magazine, "As the rescue ship Carpathia sailed into New York harbor, three of Guggenheim's nephews rushed to the dock with his wife, Florette, who was fortunately out of earshot when an officer introduced a young blonde woman stepping off the ship as "Mrs. Benjamin Guggenheim." (3/16/98, p. 49) |
Helga Dahl
(The young woman Fabrizio dances with.) |
Camilla Overbye Roos | In scene 274, the screenplay reads: "People start to fall, sliding and tumbling. They skid down the deck, screaming and flailing to grab onto something. They wrench other people loose and pull them down as well. There is a pile-up of bodies at the forward rail. The DAHL FAMILY falls one by one." | Fictional character. |
Trudy Bolt
(The DeWitt Bukater's maid.) |
Amy Gaipa | In scene 264, the screenplay reads: "ON THE A-DECK PROMENADE, passengers lose their grip and slide down the wooden deck like a bobsled run, hundreds of feet before they hit the water. TRUDY BOLT, Rose's maid, slips as she struggles along the railing and slides away screaming." | Fictional character. |
Sir Cosmo Edmund Duff-Gordon | Martin Jarvis | In scene 287 (which was cut from the film), Sir Cosmo and Lady Lucille Duff-Gordon are seated in Lifeboat #1. They "sit with ten other people in a boat that is two thirds empty. They are two hundred yards from the screaming in the darkness. FIREMAN HENDRICKSON: "We should do something." Lucille squeezes Cosmo's hand and pleads him with her eyes. She is terrified. SIR COSMO: "It's out of the question." The crewmembers, intimidated by a nobleman, acquiesce. They hunch guiltily, hoping the sound will stop soon. TWENTY BOATS, most half full, float in the darkness. None of them make a move." | Survived. |
Lady Lucille Duff-Gordon | Rosalind Ayres | See above (Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon). | Survived. |
Lucy Noel Martha Dyer-Edwardes, the Countess of Rothes | Rochelle Rose | She last appears in scene 98, where Rose's mother, the Countess and Lady Duff-Gordon talk about Rose's wedding plans, and Rose observes a little girl being taught how to correctly have tea. | Survived, and married a man named MacFie after the disaster. In Lifeboat #8, she was told to take control of the tiller by Able Seaman T. Jones. She made a definite impression on Jones that night. "After the rescue Jones removed the numeral "8" from the lifeboat, had it framed, and sent it to the Countess to show his admiration. For her part, she still writes him every Christmas." (Lord, NTR, p. 125) Her parents had sailed on Titanic from Southampton to Cherbourg, France. |
Bert Cartwell
Father of Cora Cartwell, the little girl who dances with Jack. |
Rocky Taylor | In a scene (#255) that was deleted from the movie, the screenplay reads: "The CARTWELL FAMILY is at the top of a stairwell, jammed against a locked gate like Jack and Rose were. Water boils up the stairwell behind them. Bert Cartwell shakes the gate futilely, shouting for help. Little Cora wails as the water boils up around them all." | Fictional character. |
Cora Cartwell | Alexandrea Owens | See above (Bert Cartwell). | Fictional character. |
Father Thomas Roussel Davids Byles | James Lancaster | He is last seen leading the prayers on the poop deck before the final plunge of the stern. | Died. His body was never recovered. |
Rosalie Ida Straus | Elsa Raven | In a scene which was cut from the movie, she refuses to enter a lifeboat. "ISIDOR: "Please, Ida, get into the boat." IDA: "No. We've been together for forty years, and where you go, I go. Don't argue with me, Isidor, you know it does no good." He looks at her with sadness and great love. They embrace gently." Later, during the sequence of scenes in which the hymn "Nearer My God to Thee" is played, "DOWNANGLE on the two figures lying side by side, fully clothed, on a bed in a FIRST CLASS CABIN. Elderly Ida and Isidor Strauss stare at the ceiling, holding hands like young lovers. Water pours into the room through a doorway. It swirls around the bed, two feet deep rising fast." | Died. Her body was never recovered. |
Isidor Straus | Lew Palter | See above (Ida Straus). | Died. His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett (No. 96), and was buried at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York. |
Olaf Dahl
(Father of Helga Dahl.) |
Erik Holland | See above (Helga Dahl). | Fictional character. There was a Charles Dahl who survived the sinking, and a Mauritz Dahl on board the Titanic, but no Olaf or Helga Dahl. |
Bjorn Gundersen
(Bjorn and Olaus Gundersen are the two men who share the third-class cabin with Jack and Fabrizio. "Where's Sven?") |
Jari Kinnunen | He and his cousin Olaus are last seen in scene 231: "Lightoller, with a group of crew and passengers, is trying to get Collapsible B down from the roof. They slide it down a pair of oars leaned against the deck house. ... The weight of the boat snaps the oars and it crashes to the deck, upside down. The two Swedish cousins, OLAUS and BJORN GUNERSEN, jump back as the boat nearly hits them." | Fictional character. |
Olaus Gundersen | Anders Falk | See above (Bjorn Gundersen). | Fictional character. |

Copyright © 2005, 2009 by John J. Dunne
Last updated: 28 October 2009